Saturday, March 10, 2012

Juanita's Jeans (Stage 4)

After my last post about women's healthcare I felt I needed to do a follow-up with a commentary by fellow blogger, Juanita Jean's. My favorite thing about her blog's are how incredibly pro-democrat they are, but my least favorite thing about her blogs is how incredibly anti-republican they are. Yes, I know it sounds a bit like an oxymoron.

One of her latest commentaries, Stop the Spinning! Stop the Spinning! I'm Gonna Throw Up!, is about the latest women's healthcare crisis between Texas and Washington. Her statement, "So, it’s not the state’s fault for being outlaws. It’s Obama’s fault for being sheriff" seems to put it in a perfet metaphor for all the "simple folk".  I love her spunk in each post she ads, but sometimes her posts/blogs come across slightly biased because I get the feeling she possibly despises Republicans.

I learned something new about the issue/topic by reading her commentary. I had no idea Rick Perry suggested he would match the $36 million dollars in funding. According to Juanita, "Rick Perry pledged that Texas would come up with the 90% matching federal funds on our own, meaning he has to go find $36 million dollars in a state with a $15 billion deficit." After checking facts, Rick Perry did say this! What a dumb... Well, nevermind that, but has Perry not done enough this last year or so? Now he has the audacity to put pride before the health of women.

The one comment I did not necessarily agree with but probably because of my own opinions. Duh.. Juanita's last comment is, "And that's how pro-life works." I felt like that comment would cause pro-lifers who did not agree with what the state is doing to get offended. To me, this is not about being pro-life or pro-choice, but being pro-women. While I would not be shocked I could definitely see some pro-life activists preferring the state's side versus Obama's.

Juanita's commentaries always help me see things in a "lighter" perspective, but I am always sure to double-check facts because of her outward bias towards the party she does not like.

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