Monday, August 6, 2012

Dems Backing Gay Marriage Critique

In Nicholas J. Quaschnik's post, Dems Backing Gay Marriage he starts by explaining that the Democrat's finally are standing for something he believes in, but "........if only they weren't just doing it for the votes." Gay marriages is a touchy subject but it is especially so amongst Christians and Texas. Nicholas writes that he has never really cared much for Obama, but now with his recent approval of gay marriage he really does not like him...He goes on to state, "To me it's more of a mockery than it is actually backing up a cause." He also states that Obama has been wishy- washy over his stance on LBGT rights. What??? I must be confused. The President stands up and agrees for something he believes in, but now he dislikes him even more...I wonder if Nicholas was one of the many lined up at Chick-Fil-A to stand up for free speech? The reason I ask this is because if Obama is making a mockery out of the cause then one could say the same thing about the CEO of Chick-Fil-A going "all political". Whether the company believed in what he said or not they sure did make a lot of money on August 1, 2012. My point is there will always be an "ulterior motive" we can use against whom we do not like. Nicholas, who is/was in the Navy obviously agreed with Obama's repel of Don't Ask Don't Tell policy otherwise he would not have stated that his best friend is a lesbian in the military with him and, "I would pick her over a straight man to go to war with. Not because of the stereotype that she’s a butch or crap like that. But because I know that no matter what, she’s not going to judge me for being straight, she’s got the heart of a saint, and well, she’s a badass." I feel like his heart was in the right place when writing this editorial, but Obama HAS stood with lesbians and gay citizens the past four years. His choice to come out and support gay marriage this year could have very well been a pull for votes, but in doing so he lost a lot of "gung-ho" Christian voters, which he should have had "in the bag" because Romney is a mormon, but now he doesn't. I agree that everyone deserves equal rights and I have plent of friends in the gay community, but whatever reason Obama had for supporting them is a GREAT thing. I do not think he has been unclear in his feelings. After all HE is the one that repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. Every President hopeful is going to pull the rug out from under us a few times, but while timing was coincidental I do not believe this was one of those times.

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